Terms and Conditions Excess Waiver Reduction 2020-10-16
This insurance is a voluntary group insurance that covers insurance excess according to the conditions below. Aimo Solution AB, as a group representative, has entered into a group agreement with the insurer W. R. Berkley Insurance AG, Svensk Filial.
[NB. This is an English translation of the original in Swedish, both versions are available on www.aimosolution.com. Should there be e discrepancy between the versions, the Swedish original shall prevail.]
- Who does the insurance apply to
The insurance applies to (i) the person (name, social security number) or (ii) the company (org. no) whose employees click “YES” to the insurance in the Aimo app or by separate agreement (the “Insured“) and who has rented the vehicle in accordance with Aimo’s terms of use. When mentioned below, Insured refers only to that person or company.
- Insurance period
The insurance is valid during the rental period agreed and confirmed by Aimo, from unlocking the vehicle until the Insured terminates the rental in the Aimo app and locks the vehicle again.
- Where the insurance applies
The insurance is valid in Sweden.
- What the insurance applies to
The insurance is a complement to vehicle insurance and reduces the Insured’s excess down to SEK 2 000 per damage were there has been an accident that the motor insurance covers.
4.1 Rules on compensation
Compensation is provided for damage that may be compensated by the vehicle insurance’s. As soon as such damage has occurred, Aimo invoices the Insured SEK 2,000.
- General exceptions
The insurance does not apply to:
- Circumstances known when entering into the policy.
- Damage incurred intentionally or by gross negligence.
- Vehicles are used during motor racing, training for motor racing or off-road driving.
- Costs not covered by the vehicle’s regular insurance.
- Other costs or charges such as fuel, parking fees, fines, tolls, etc.
- Costs for workshop services or spare parts, repairs, battery, tires, etc.
- Damage related to war, war-like events or caused directly or indirectly by nuclear process.
- Safety regulations and due diligence requirements
The Insured shall, as far as possible, prevent damage from happening. If due diligence or safetyregulations are not complied with, compensation in the event of damage may be reduced or completely absent.
6.1 Driver safety regulations
- The vehicle may not be driven by drivers who do not have a valid and required driving licence.
- The vehicle must not be driven by drivers who are under the influence of alcohol, medicine or other intoxicants.
- The vehicle must not be used for practice driving.
6.2 Vehicle safety regulations
- The manufacturer’s instructions for care, maintenance, service and the like should be followed.
- The vehicle shall not be used in a condition which causes abnormal wear and tear to the vehicle.
- The vehicle shall have the equipment to operate that is required by law.
- The vehicle shall not be used if it is banned from driving.
- Insurance amount
The insurance reduces the excess for the Insured to SEK 2,000 per damage
- Deductibles
The insurance is valid without excess.
- Claims
A claim must be made without delay after the damage occurred. Contact us by phone 010 – 456 39 39 or by email damage@aimoshare.se.
- Incorrect or incomplete information and inducing claims
If the person claiming compensation is stating or concealing information relevant to the assessment of the compensation or breaching his obligations under the insurance contract or failing to fulfil his obligations under the term, the compensation may be reduced as appropriate. The same applies to damage caused by the Insured through gross negligence or intent. The Insured must provide all information that may have/is relevant to the case in connection with the claim.
- Statute of limitations
Any person seeking insurance compensation or other insurance cover must bring an action within 10 years of the date on which the relationship which, under the insurance contract, qualifies for such protection. If the person seeking insurance cover has made the claim to the insurer within that period, the time limit for bringing an action is always six months from the insurer having declared that it has taken a final position on the claim. If the action is not brought under this paragraph, the right to compensation is lost.
- Premium
The Insured pays the premium either (i) by clicking “YES” in the Aimos app; or (ii) by separate agreement.
- Force majeure
The insurance does not apply to damage incurred if damage investigation, action or payment of compensation is delayed due to force majeure. Force majeure means, for example, war, government action, war-like events, civil war, military exercises, revolution, riots, terrorism, atomic or core process, seizure, strike, blockade, general disruption of the electricity grid, general disruption of computer or telecommunications connections or similar events.
- The right of recourse
As the insurer has paid compensation for damage, the insurer assumes the right of the Insured person to claim compensation from the Insured person who is liable for compensation for the damage vis-à-vis the Insured.
- If we do not agree
If the Insured is not satisfied with the decision in a case, the decision may always have the decision reviewed either by contacting Aimo to sort out a possible misunderstanding, or by writing to the complaint manager with the insurer (Berkley), by explaining the case and asking for a review.
Aimo can be reached either by email (i) damage@aimoshare.se or (ii) by phone 010 – 456 39 39.
General Complaints Board (ARN)
If you have had your case reviewed and are still not satisfied, you have the opportunity to contact the General Complaints Board, which examines complaints from private individuals free of charge.
ARN’s postal address is ARN, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, phone no: 08-508 860 00, website: www.arn.se, e-mail address: arn@arn.se.
Consumer Insurance Agency
The Consumer Insurance Agency provides individuals with independent and free guidance on pension, insurance and claims settlement, but does not investigate disputes. Consumer Insurance Agency postal address: Box 24215, 104 51 Stockholm, visiting address: Karlavägen 108, Stockholm, phone no: 0200-22 58 00, website: konsumenternasforsakringsbyra.se, e-mail via web form.
General court
In most cases, an insurance dispute can also be heard by a general court.
- In the case of a dispute
A dispute concerning the interpretation and application of this insurance contract shall be examined by a Swedish court in accordance with Swedish law.
17. Personal data
Personal data is handled both by Aimo and by Berkley, in accordance with the information about the processing of personal data provided by each company on its website:
Contact us if you want the information sent to you.
- Insurer
Insurers are W.R. Berkley Insurance AG, a Swedish branch, org. nr. 516410-2070, through Aimo Solution AB, as associated insurance provider.